
较低的部门 Helping Others

低区社区服务的重点是鼓励孩子们养成给予的习惯. Through outreach projects, 学校的活动, and small group conversations, students explore values such as generosity, 尊重, 善良, 承诺, 激情, 和完整性, which naturally complement all community service efforts.

低年级的所有学生都参加一个全校范围的特殊社区服务项目, “结束”.” The Wrap In serves those less fortunate around the holiday season. 学生们给当地雷德兰兹基督教移民协会的孩子们写信和捐赠礼物. 全年, 学生也会支持其他由中高学部赞助的社区服务项目, such as donating gently used clothing.

许多低年级的学生,与他们的父母,也参加家庭服务活动. Just before the winter holidays, 家庭, 和教职员工前往“喂养美国”组织,帮助那些不幸的人分类食物. 在春天, 家庭和教职员工聚集在一起,为“随处喂养儿童”组织支持的低收入家庭打包饭菜,让他们在春假期间享用.

  • 学前班-学生参加全校范围的服务项目,如Wrap in和年级罐装食品活动.
  • 幼儿园—学生们支持棋牌游戏平台高年级学生创建的一个名为“爱的袜子”的服务项目. Students form assembly lines and stuff socks with basic needs items, 比如牙膏, 牙刷, 洗发水, 肥皂, 和防晒霜.
  • Grade 1 – Students make products, like bookmarks and pencil toppers, to “sell” as part of their economics unit. Customers “pay” with canned food items. Then first graders stuff backpacks to support End 68 Hours of Hunger. 除了, during a letter writing unit, students compile a list of 教师 and staff who touch their lives, 包括教师, 维护, 管家, 还有餐厅员工, and then write them a personal thank you letter.
  • Grade 2 – Students bake pumpkin bread and donate loaves to the the 棋牌游戏大全.
  • 三年级的学生们前往港湾蔡斯老年中心,为那里的居民带来节日的快乐. The children sing holiday songs, with the help of our Spanish and 音乐 teachers. 三年级学生还会在节日期间组装礼物袋,送到麦当劳之家.
  • Grade 4 – Students make Halloween gift bags for residents of the Children’s Home. Later in the year, students visit the Redlands Christian Migrant Association. Our children play with the three- and four-year-olds and share snacks. Students also sing to the children in Spanish and read to them.
  • Grade 5 – All fifth graders serve on a service council. Councils include the 社区服务 Council, the Chaplain’s Council, 技术, Funfare (school news), 艺术工厂, 图书馆俱乐部, 和大使. 社区服务委员会的成员帮助组织了全校范围内的食品捐赠活动,以使“喂养美国”食品银行受益,并支持图书捐赠活动和“火鸡跑”活动(学生们为儿童之家收集基本必需品)。. As a culminating activity, 社区服务委员会成员研究服务机构,并选择一个为高年级学生提供义卖(糕饼义卖). In previous years, students supported the Humane Society, Smile Train and One Sight.
较低的部门作为一个整体,在需要的基础上回应社会和世界. 当自然灾害发生时,低年级的孩子们会迅速响应,帮助那些需要帮助的人. 教师、职员和管理人员引导孩子们去帮助别人.

Students are not only encouraged to serve the needs of the outside community, 但也要定期聚会,作为一个社区,灌输强烈的社会责任感. These community routines include 较低的部门 convocations, 学生在哪里了解核心价值观和世界上正在做出积极改变的人. Students also participate in Discovery Groups twice a month. Discovery Groups are multi-age, 与教师以外的教员见面的小型学生团体. 在这些团体中,社区意识的发展超越了学生的班级和年级. 探索小组为学生提供了更多的机会来养成服务的习惯, such as 执行ing random acts of 善良 and being gentle friends.

正如我们的愿景所说,“棋牌游戏平台让世界上有积极影响的人.” Through all 较低的部门 community service projects, students learn they truly can fulfill this school vision.


  • 塔米·桑德斯的照片

    塔米 桑德斯 

    Assistant 较低的部门 Director
成立于1960年, Berkeley is an independent, 圣公会, college-preparatory day school located in Tampa, FL, for boys and girls in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12. 大约1400名来自坦帕湾地区的学生聚集在这里,组成了一个棋牌游戏平台.